Why Franchising Needs Women

That there are differences between men and women should not come as a surprise to anyone. That those differences would be a consideration and even a key method in determining whether or not a person would have greater success in the franchise world seems to be more than shocking it's downright politically incorrect. That is until understanding that the determination is that the franchising world needs more women franchise owners. According to recent studies, and also to age old observances of the many differences in the way men and women think and operate, women tend to have a different style and approach to business thinking that allows them a significant edge in the franchising market.

Women and men are both capable workers in the business world, but studies have shown that women are the gender with a tendency to multi-task several different operations, while at the same time not allowing minor hindrances and details to bog them down and detract from a long term overall picture. The more simple and direct approach of focusing on one task or job until it is accomplished, studies have shown, is a natural approach for the male brain, but the female brain is more naturally adept at processing many different tasks before any one particular job or task has been completed. This type of multiple task approach is the exact type of mindset that a successful small business franchise owner needs in order to get their new business off the ground and making profits.

The different types of franchise opportunities are virtually limitless, and the "shotgun" thought pattern naturally prevalent in the female brain allows women an easier path to initial success in the franchise business world. An encouragement for the many women out there that are looking for a business opportunity but have felt that the small business franchise world is more suited for the corporate male mind. Don't believe either that the only successful female franchises are those that employ only females or provide "womanly" products and services.

While there are a variety of franchises that seem to cater to the operation and sales of a female population such as LittleAngels Children's photography, which is a fast growing franchise that prefers their all female ownership for the simple reason that their main business is photographing children in pre-school groups and nurseries who have shown a preference to women photographers.

Other options also include Rosemary Conley Diet & fitness Clubs. These fitness clubs are all women clubs that allow women the opportunity to enjoy exercise and fitness activities in a much less self conscious environment than a typical bi-gender health club. Rosemary Conley Franchises are the first and only franchises in the UK to offer both health and fitness programs along with diet advice in the same class.

Also looking for women franchisers in the UK is Auntie Anne's Pretzel. This franchise is a basic, simple to understand business plan that provides a great treat whose smell serves as one of it's best advertising components. Auntie Anne's pretzel franchises are typically places in areas with high pedestrian traffic and are a great business to watch flourish quickly.

There are many other franchises that are specifically seeking women owners and investors that may surprise you such as: MatchPoint Professional Consultants, Expense Reduction Analysts Franchise Consultancy Group, and Busby Web Solutions franchise.

If you are a woman seeking a business opportunity, then take a look at the world of franchising, because franchise providers are looking for you.

Learn more about UK franchises and find the best business opportunity for you at Franchise Gator UK.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Candice_Clem


Posted by mbuhlah, Saturday, March 29, 2008 1:07 AM


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